Developmental Special Experiences: MEPCOM, National Training Institute Workshop opportunities available

  • Published
  • Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Developmental Special Experiences provide Air and Space Professionals opportunities more than just education and training opportunities, they help the service build the Airmen needed for the future high-end fight.

The DSEs, cataloged by Air Education and Training Command’s Force Development Credentialing Division’s DSE branch, are hands-on experiences outside of formal training, established recurring opportunities, a means to gain/increase competencies, and duties typically external to primary AFSCs or job series.

The following DSEs are highlighted this quarter:

Officer:  MEPCOM Station Commander (DSE0364)                                      

MEPCOM Command allows officers to integrate with the DoD accessions triad (Recruit-Assess-Train).  Officers will enhance their understanding of personnel oversight, mission autonomy, and resource management within a joint environment.  This broadening assignment will also challenge an officer's ability to effectively communicate, demonstrate accountability, show initiative, invoke teamwork, foster innovation, influence teams/outcomes, and demonstrate leadership in a seclusive environment.

The tour will not exceed 2 years.  Officers will return to their core AFSC upon completion of the broadening assignment.

Enlisted:  MEPCOM Sr. Enlisted Advisor (DSE0366)

MEPCOM Senior Enlisted Advisors (SEAs) integrate with the DoD accessions triad (Recruit-Assess-Train).  SEAs will enhance their understanding of personnel oversight, mission autonomy, and resource management within a joint environment.  This broadening assignment will also challenge a SNCO's ability to effectively communicate, demonstrate accountability, show initiative, invoke teamwork, foster innovation, influence teams/outcomes, and demonstrate leadership in a seclusive environment.

The tour will not exceed 2 years.  SNCO's will return to their core AFSC upon completion of the broadening assignment.

Civilian:  National Training Institute Workshop (DSE0370)

The National Training Institute (NTI), sponsored by the Blacks in Government (BIG), provides a 3-day annual workshop that reflects, supports, and inspires federal workers commitment to public service and lifelong learning.  It offers its attendees innovative approaches, cutting edge insights that expose students to mechanisms that drive policy making, leadership competencies and management strategies and engagement.  

Upon completion of the workshop, the experience is followed by a three-month, six-month and 12-month follow-up to assess effectiveness of the newly acquired content applied within their assigned work location.  Post workshop, the attendees enter an alumnus of over 2000 members. The alumni are comprised of a close-knit community of diverse professionals at various career levels.  The National Training Institute Workshop offered is also highly recognized across the federal government and inclusive to civilians and military. This DSE is also open to USSF Guardians. 

The theme for this year's workshop is "The BIG Experience 2024: “Providing Tools and Strategies for an Innovative Workplace,” and will be held  Aug. 12-14, 2024, at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, FL 33602.  To register, click here

**Note:  Each listing in the Catalog is owned and managed by the point of contact’s organization.  The DSE lists detailed information on the prerequisites, description of the DSE, and the application process.  For questions, please contact the POC listed in the DSE.**

Want to know more?  Have a Potential DSE to add to the Catalog?
- View the DSE Catalog at:
- View the DSE Reference Materials and videos here:  
- Contact the DSE Team at: