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AETC Innovators invited to attend virtual iSummit April 29, 2021

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JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas – In an effort to fuel collaboration among Air Education and Training Command innovators, AETC is hosting its next virtual innovation summit April 29 from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. CST.

The purpose of the iSummit is to improve collaboration by providing AETC Airmen, at all levels, a platform to share information on innovation activities.

“The goal is to fuel collaboration amongst AETC innovators, so they can share insights, learn from experience, build collaborative relationships, and replicate success,” said Col. Leonard Rose, AETC analysis and innovation director. “We hope all Airmen join us for this virtual event.”

The theme for the iSummit is "Driving Decisions through Data Analytics." 

“Data Analytics is AETC’s innovation force-multiplier. It allows our innovative Airmen to leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning and data visualization to further transform the way we learn,” said Rose. “We look forward to a robust discussion about these cutting edge technologies.”

According to TSgt Michael Bridges, AETC/A9 innovation advancement division, data analytics is a powerful way to get a handle on the increasing complexity of the challenges Airmen face.

Airmen interested in attending the virtual event can contact the Innovation Advancement Division team at

“This event provides an incredible opportunity to showcase these innovations to senior leadership to help bring them to fruition and expand their reach," said Bridges. 

Anyone interested to the innovation activities happening across the command is encouraged to visit the AETC Innovation Dashboard at